Welcome to ORDER
Organisation for Resource Development and Environment Rejuvenation
About Us
The genesis of ORDER was in the coming together of a few like-minded friends in 2003, who were passionate about environment and wished to contribute towards a greener and sustainable future. With humble beginnings, we have worked in multiple capacities with diverse stakeholders and have established our credentials in environment and sustainability. Two decades of our collaboration with the society and its stakeholders have positively impacted lives. We are glad and equally honoured at the opportunity to be worthy of service now and in the days ahead.
Our Vision
Empower and guide rural and urban communities towards sustainable use of natural resources, conservation of biodiversity as well as ensure socio-economic progress of poor, vulnerable and disadvantaged sections of the community by providing them basic education, training, awareness, land development and livelihood interventions.
Our Mission
Meeting community development goals by adopting sustainable tools at the grassroot level and engaging community in education, health and management of natural resources for socio-economic welfare and environment wellbeing is the mainstay of our work
Finding solutions for improving quality of life through conservation and management of soil, water and biodiversity resources,
improving soil fertility and water quality to produce quality and health food through scientific soil rejuvenation techniques and watershed management practices.
Collaborating with farmer community, women groups and youth in agrodevelopment and allied areas such as integrated watershed management and farming systems, rainwater harvesting and management techniques, livelihood enhancement programs.
Capacity building through education programs, training and awareness initiatives related to land and water conservation and development and other livelihood interventions.
Director's Note
We firmly believe that this journey would not have been possible without the confidence and unstinted support of our funding organizations
that has helped us plan and deliver on our project commitments. Equally noteworthy is the support, guidance, advice and encouragement from our stakeholders
who have brought in their valuable inputs ad validations time to time. Also recognizing the co-operation hard work and dedication of our staff
and village community to reach set targets, fulfill our vision in achieving the goals that we set for ourselves.
ORDER has successfully implemented various NABARD supported projects Integrated tribal development, Waterhsed Development, Promotion
of FPOs and sustainable development projects in TUMKUR and HASSAN districts. Integrated watershed managemant project (IWMP), organic village and Savayava Bhagya programs
through Agriculture and Watershed Development Department, Government of Karnataka. Bio fuel, renewable energy, water resource and waste management awareness programs
under Karnataka State Bio energy Development Board KSBDB and Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Rural Energy and Development MGIRED, Bangalore.
Suzlon cmmunity development programs, Concern India foundation community Solar street light program and Selco foundation Solar street loight systum support fro poor families
under CSR Fund. We implemented various land and community develpment projects and reached 255 villages in Tumkur, Hassan, Chitradurgs, Mandya and Chamarajanagara
districts of Karnataka state and impacting 25000 families.
G.V Raghu
Project Director
NABARD Manager's Note
NABARD has always been a pioneer not only in the realm of rural finance, but also in the identification, formulation, and execution of innovative programs for marginalized communities.
Our projects and interventions thrive on active benificiary participation, while following a participatory approach.
in Karnataka NABARD has sanctioned 353 waterhsed development projects, amounting to Rs 382 crore and encompassing 3.28 lakh hectares. Furthermore, NABARD has sanctioned 38 tribal development
projects in the state, providing a total financial assistance of Rs130 crore, spanning 14 districts and 22,200 acres, benefitting over 27,000 tribal families. NABARD has also supported 380 Farmer Producer
Organizations (FPOs) in the state with an assistance of over Rs. 35 crore.
The organization for Resource Development and Environment Rejuvenation (ORDER) has been out partner since 2006 in planning and executing Natural Resources Management System (NRM) projects and
skill capacity building projects. They have showcased their capacity through the implementation of more than 100 programs under various NABARD's schemes including NRM, livelihood development and SHG Promotion
positively impacting around 10,000 families across 145 villages in three districts of Karnataka. ORDER has played a key role in executing 7 of the NABARD Watershed projects covering 7650 hectares and 4 tribal development
project covering 1684 acres. ORDER has also aided in fostering 8 of the 381 FPOs supported by NABARD in ensuring sustainability to the WDF and TDF project areas.
Two decade journey of ORDER has been noteworthy on account of its dedicated team, who are steering various projects across the districts. While congratulating and acknowledging the contribution of ORDER in fostering
empowerment of rural communities. I wish ORDER further success in all its endeavours.
With Best Wishes,